About Us
Who are we?
The Clackamette Mineral and Gem Corporation of Oregon welcomes you to an exciting hobby. We of CMGC enjoy collecting rocks, minerals and fossil materials. The cutting, tumbling, polishing and faceting of various minerals, whether gathered or purchased, is thoroughly fascinating. Photo by Joe Bishop
Field trips are exciting events and eagerly anticipated by our members. Guests are always welcome to share in these ventures where fun and fellowship abounds for all participants.
Each year we have a rock and gem show which has proven to be an educational and pleasurable event for the community. Members display their skills and talents in their chosen interest of the lapidary arts and guests are invited to participate.
In addition to financing necessities and important functions, the show proceeds also provide educational scholarships to qualified youth.
Our monthly Newsletter, The Clackamette Gem, keeps members well informed of activities and subjects pertaining to earth sciences.
CMGC welcomes guests to our meetings. We conduct current business, have rock door prizes and a short program is presented by guest speakers or members on different phases of earth sciences.
CMGC was established in 1963 and continues to promote interest in the lapidary arts and earth sciences through collecting gems, education, sharing and presentation of our annual Rock and Gem Show.
CMGC is organized exclusively for education and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Last update 1-2-2024
Contact Webmaster by email at rockhound@clackamettegem.org