
Club Mission - Who we are!

We are a not for profit community of people involved in educating and sharing in many areas 

such as geology, rockhounding, mineral collection, lapidary and jewelry arts through a variety 

of club and community activities.

 What we do!

Our monthly club meetings include guest speakers, demonstrations, silent auction along with

rock and mineral identification. We sponsor classes in lapidary, jewelry making and a

variety of field trips for gem, mineral, and fossil collecting.Our annual rock and mineral show, held at the 

Canby Fairgrounds each year, offers a wide variety of learning opportunities including the preparation of the 

rock and mineral materials that will be for sale, and displays of our members’ skills. 

You are invited!

We welcome you to an exciting hobby for all ages! Attend a meeting, a field trip, our rock show, classes and more. 

Each monthly club meeting includes a presentation or demonstration, silent auction and all 

visitors receive a free collector’s specimen. 

We meet at :

Park Place Church

13933 Gain Street

Oregon, City, OR 97045


Our meeting starts at 7pm and 

we start gathering around 6:30pm with refreshments.

Like us on Facebook 

 Follow us on 


Upcoming Events

Visitors are welcome!

January 21, 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Meeting Cancelled due to no heat in building.

February 18, 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

March 18, 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

April 15, 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

May 20, 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

Clackamette Mineral & Gem Club Rock Show

May  24-25, 2025  

Tentative Date. Please check back.

Click here for more information!

June 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Equipment Display

Members display various rock equipment! 

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

July 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

Silent Rock Auction

General Meeting 

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

August 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

Rock Bingo 

General Meeting 

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

September 2025 - Saturday

Annual Picnic - Members only 

Learn how you can become a member 


attend our picnic! 

email us at rockhound@clackamettegem.org

September 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

Presentation to be announced!

General Meeting 

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

October 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

Presentation to be announced!

General Meeting 

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

November 2025 - Third Tuesday 7pm

Presentation to be announced!

General Meeting 

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

December 2025 - 3rd Tuesday

Holiday Party

7 to 9 pm

We will have a brief meeting to start and then have some fun.

This year, for refreshments, we ask you to bring

your favorite Holiday appetizer.

The club will provide bottled water, coffee, hot water for tea,

plates, napkins and forks.

If your dish requires a serving utensil or knife, please bring one.

The rest of the evening will be for socializing and sharing time

with our fellow club members.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

December 31, 2025

Friendly Reminder!!!

CMGC dues for 2026 are due. 

January 2026 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

February 2026 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

March 2026 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

April 2026 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

May 2026 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Speaker to be announced.

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

June 2026 - Third Tuesday 7pm

General Meeting 

Equipment Display

Members display various rock equipment! 

Our meeting starts at 7pm and we start gathering around 6:30pm.

Silent Auction*

Refreshments for everyone!

 Visitors are welcome!!!

Junior Rockhound Activities 7-8pm

Coming soon - Events - Dates are pending

Rock Wash - Spring and Summer

Field Trips

*What is a Silent Auction?

A silent auction for rocks, minerals, and lapidary material will begin at 7pm and close when the meeting ends. 

Each auctioned item will include an individual auction sheet on which bids may be entered. At the close of the 

auction the highest bid amount wins. Bids may be made throughout the meeting.


American Federation of Mineralogical Societies

Contact Webmaster by email at rockhound@clackamettegem.org

Last update 1-20-2025